FAQs: Your questions answered

1. What are the criteria on which IPSMF evaluates media entities for funding and support?

At the core of every funding is an appreciation of the ‘journalism’ that an entity has been stood for. The track record of the Founders, the passion that drives them and the impact that they seek to achieve also plays a great role.

2. Does IPSMF support print and television media?

While there is no stop to funding credible media in any format, the Foundation has consciously decided to opt for and focus on digital media entities, as the medium has low entry

3. Does IPSMF support regional-media platforms?

We do. In fact, the Foundation is focused on supporting more Indian-language entities that are independent and are committed to public-interest journalism.

4. You offer “financial and other assistance”. Can you elaborate on the latter?

While most of the Foundation’s grantees are fairly savvy and professional in running their operations, there are quite a few who need help in understanding the complexities of setting up a

5. Do IPSMF’s funders have a say in deciding who gets a grant? If not, do they have any role beyond providing the money?

IPSMF was set up at the initiative of some of our donors. However, they have chosen to distance themselves from all stages of the funding process. The Foundation’s agreements with donors specify, among other things, that they will have no control over the Foundation’s funding decisions.

6. IPSMF funds media entities that compete with each other. How does it handle this seeming conflict of interest?

We are keen that all our grantees contribute to the building of a media ecosystem that the Foundation strives for. Like any other investment relationship, where entities are expected to share

7. Does IPSMF have influence over content at funded companies? What remedies would it employ if it finds a grantee not adhering to the values it espouces?

The Foundation does not seek to exert any influence over grantees’ editorial and content plans. IPSMF gives high priority to the realisation of its vision to create an ecosystem that sets trends and

8. Do IPSMF’s funders have a say in deciding who gets a grant? If not, do they have any role beyond providing the money?

IPSMF was set-up at the initiative of some of our donors. However, they have chosen to distance themselves from all stages of the funding process. The Foundation’s agreements with donors specify,

9. How does IPSMF view news outlets that have ideological leanings?

While it is true that different media entities may consciously or unconsciously have inbuilt biases – ideological or otherwise – the Foundation is “ideology agnostic”.

10. What are IPSMF’s views on the increasing proliferation of fake news?

Misinformation in a democratic system is a problem that demands long-term solutions and interventions. This has to be addressed without undermining the advantages of digital media.

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